Friday, October 31, 2008

Kitchen Tip

Keeping Food Fresh –FIFO
There is a term frequently used in restaurants to remind workers of the importance of keeping foods fresh. It’s called “FIFO” first in -first out. Using this system, of course, preserves food quality and safety but also saves money. If you are anything like me you spend time once every few months tossing out the “science projects” that have accumulated in the fridge. Restaurants found out a long time ago those things we throw away cost us our hard earned money, not to mention our time.

My solution is this: First, plan a menu for the week using what is in your fridge already. Second, try to incorporate left-over's in the first two days. Third, make smaller quantities and cross utilize products. (Meaning, if I have a recipe that calls for 2 ribs of celery. Find a couple more recipes that can use some of the same ingredients like a soup that can be frozen.)
Little changes can make a huge difference.

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