Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Creamy Potato Soup

While driving home from a friend’s house last night I noticed a drastic drop in temperature. The thermometer that hangs on a little fence outside my front door read twenty eight degrees. Even with the cold it was a perfect Oklahoma winter evening. The crisp, clear night showed a sky overcome with bright stars. The chickens were all snuggled up in their coup while the goats silently watched me as made my rounds to each pen. My two Great Pyrenees trotted alongside me ready to jump into action if danger should present itself . Yesterday was a beautiful day and the rest of the week promises much of the same and to my utter amusement Thursday’s forecast is for seventy degrees. This is my dilemma.

In two weeks time the green house goes up and so starts the beginning of planting seeds, getting garden beds ready, ordering compost and preparing the farm to be the nurturing host to the expected twenty or so kids that will be popping out joyfully come early march. All this and I feel as though winter never really settled in. I suppose not having any major disasters helps. No power losses, cars in ditches, no ice for me to test out the cushioning seat of my Carrharts overalls :).

Of course, then there is the Marathon. The one I promised myself to run in April 2008. Making time to run has been a challenge for me. The cold is a good excuse not to run in the mornings, but in my particular situation I have afternoons - so really my challenge is what everyone else’s challenge is; making the time, putting it into my routine, and making it a habit so I don’t even have to think about the reasons not to run. Many years ago I ran a huge corporate restaurant in Seattle. It was ingrained in all of us managers that twenty one days of running makes a habit. That is all it takes is doing something twenty one days? Is that for real? I’ll run when I get home this afternoon and at least a long brisk walk on Thursday then a little run on Friday, then a nice walk on Saturday etc…..I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

This soup recipe is a must try. It’s hearty enough for a generous meal with a salad and bread. It hits the spot especially on the cold winter evenings we are having. The soup is thick like porridge, but silky and creamy.
We have gotten a couple of Chuckwagon Challenge recipes, and let me tell you - they are putting me to the test. But don’t be shy friends because I need more recipes. Send them my way!

Creamy Potato Soup

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large onion, diced
6 cloves garlic, minced
3 ribs celery, diced
2 carrots, peeled, diced
1 tablespoon dried mustard
1 tablespoon dried dill weed
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
6 white new potatoes
4 cups vegetable stock
½ tablespoon per serving of light sour cream (used for garnish)
SautĂ© onions until caramelized add minced garlic and brown, add celery, carrots and potatoes, mustard, dill, salt and pepper, mix well so mustard is incorporated. Add stock and let it simmer until potatoes can be mashed easily with a fork. Use a hand held blender to puree soup well. This will take about 45 minutes from start to finish. Serve with ½ tablespoon of light sour cream over the top. This soup freezes very well!

Serves: 6 Calories: 310 Protein: 7g Carbohydrates: 65g Total fat: 3g
Saturated fat: 0g Cholesterol: 0mg Fiber: 7g Sodium: 210mg

Seretean Wellness Center at Oklahoma State University
Chef: Lisa Becklund

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